Friday, February 4, 2011

Why I started this running blog.

For the past 3 years iv been getting more unfit and unhealthy. Doing practically no physical exercise for those years has seen me go from someone that could play a game of soccer and not feel to bad after it, to someone that can't run for more than 1 minute at a time.

Clothes where getting tighter and my self esteem was taking a huge hit. I was eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and not caring about what this was doing to me, and how many years this was taking off my life. It really came to a head when I stared to notice myself getting out of breath while walking up a hill to work. The hill was not to steep and not that long so this was a huge wakeup call for me.So I told myself that enough was enough. I was going to lose weight and get healthy. So I decided to take up running and start eating healthy.

Thats why I created this blog. To keep a record of how I'm going week by week, to keep me accountable and to let other people, that have no running experience or want to get back into running, know that you can do it and maybe get that little bit of inspiration that will motivate you. All it takes is a commitment and some dedication.


  1. I can totally relate. I too was a soccer player (for about 12 years) then stopped when I started college. Since then then I ran off and on, then when I took a job that has insane hours 2.5 years ago I completely let myself go. I started getting back into running last September and have had trouble with the commitment so I started my blog to keep me accountable, like you. Looking forward to following your progress!

  2. Hey stacey thanks for the comment. I also played for 12-13 years and then a few years of nothing really. Its good to know im not the only one trying to get fit and start running. Iv started following your blog as well. You have a half marathon coming up on the 13 good luck with that and I cant wait to read how it goes.
