So I decided to start running on the 24 January, and lets just say this was not such a smart move on my part. I could not have picked a hotter or more humid part of the year. It was 34 degrees and the humidity level was high.
I was at work all day in the city and during lunch I went and picked up some Nike Lunar Eclipse+ running shoes. These shoes are fantastic. They fit well and so far have not hurt me one bit on any of my runs. I got some dryfit shorts and shirts and I was ready.
A few days before I had been on the nike running site and had created an account. I looked up some runs around my area and decided that I would take on a 3.1km run. I thought this run would be easy, but I found out soon enough that I was in over my head.
The bus ride home that night was horrible. It was an old bus with no aircon and took over an hour until I got to my stop. I was sweating and not to happy. Once home I put on the shoes, linked it to my iphone, put on some music, thought to myself 'this should not be that bad', and then started the run.
Well I ran only for about 1min or less and then I started walking. My heart was racing, my legs hurt and my lungs where sucking in air at an uncontrollable rate. To be honest I felt like shit and this was a huge wakeup call. I walked for a few more minutes and then sucked it up and decided to run again. I was not going to give up. This went on for 28 minutes, 28 minutes stopping starting until final I was home again. I was dejected. My whole body hurt. Am I really that unfit? Well I was. But I didn't give up.
I continued running (or should I say walking and running) 2 times a day (morning and night) for that first week. Come saturday I was down to 23 minutes. Still not a good time but much better than 28. I also found my body not hurting as much and found myself running more and more every day. I took sunday off for a rest day where I relaxed and thought about what the last week had been like.
This was my first week of running and I have to say that I changed a lot over that week. I also started to eat better and found myself with more energy. All up it was a good first week.
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